Gordon Prize

Harvey Mudd College Faculty Members Share Prestigious 2012 Bernard M. Gordon Prize

College’s Innovative Clinic Program and Leadership Development Cited by NAE


The National Academy of Engineering announced Jan. 5 that Clive L. Dym, M. Mack Gilkeson and J. Richard Phillips will receive the $500,000 Bernard M. “戈登工程技术教育创新奖”表彰在本科工程设计教育中创造和推广创新,以培养工程领袖.“每个戈登奖的一半将授予获奖者,其余的将授予获奖者所在的机构,以支持其持续发展, refinement and dissemination of the recognized innovation.

Professors Dym, Gilkeson and Phillips are innovators who have helped develop a highly successful, 以项目为基础的工程设计课程继续成为学院工程教学的核心,并成为许多其他学院和大学的典范,” said President Maria Klawe. “Their work, and that of other members of the Department of Engineering, 是什么让太阳2平台的工程专业成为全美最好的本科专业之一.

“Mack, Rich and Clive have had an enormous impact on engineering education at Harvey Mudd, and the programs and curriculum advances they have led have found their way around the world,” said Professor Ziyad Duron, chair of the Department of Engineering. “They have contributed to an engineering program that has design, problem-solving, and professional practice woven throughout a student’s experience at Harvey Mudd. Mack along with the late Jack Alford were early advocates of a broad, 灵活的课程,强调体验式学习和沟通技巧,这导致了工程诊所项目的创新. Under Rich’s leadership, 临床项目的相关性逐渐增强,并成为本科阶段基于项目的学习模式. Clive对我们设计课程的贡献使以前被认为是一年级学生禁止的主题的教学正式化- Clive有效地搁置了这一概念,并通过这样做,为工程设计教育开辟了新的机会和教学法. Their contributions allow our program to stay focused on fundamentals, 同时跟踪我们专业不断变化的实践,教我们的学生如何思考, frame, and solve problems. 戈登奖表彰了这三位教育先驱在创建以设计教育为核心的课程方面做出的巨大贡献, 在实践的背景下,最终在教育下一代工程领导者方面非常有效.”

这三位教授因对哈维·马德工程项目的贡献而获奖, which combines hands-on, 以经验为基础的学习,以正式的设计指导为方法,旨在培养工程领导者. 课程包括领导战略课程,学生可以在其中遇到非常成功的商人, the opportunity to teach K-12 students, and a strong emphasis on writing and presentations. 该计划继续创新,并对其他机构的活动产生了深远的影响.

Clive L. Dym创建了该项目的正式设计指导,并为新生项目课贡献了动手工作室的组成部分. Dym还提倡将工具和原型的设计和制作整合到这门课中. 这有助于学生学习制造和设计,以及如何就他们的工作进行交流. Dym is the driving force behind the Mudd Design Workshops, 这些会议汇集了众多院校,讨论工程教育和他们的共同经验. 戴姆是弗莱彻·琼斯工程设计教授,也是哈维·马德学院设计教育中心主任.

Students work on device

M. Mack Gilkeson is the co-inventor and co-founder of the Clinic program, 一种实际操作的工程教学方法,在这种方法中,学生组成的小团队被给予现实生活中的设计问题,让他们从行业合作伙伴那里解决. 这个项目一开始就备受争议,因为这种方法违背了传统智慧,与当时盛行的工程学课程思想背道而驰. Thus, while the Clinic program initially faced concerns, even some internally, 吉尔克森和他的同事证明了这种方法是可行的,并成为许多其他机构的典范. Gilkeson is professor of engineering emeritus at Harvey Mudd College.

J. Richard Phillips担任工程诊所主任17年,并将诊所转变为一个可持续发展的项目,现在是整个Harvey Mudd工程课程的一部分. 他还直接参与了其他学院和大学的临床项目的建立. The program has now extended to other departments in the College, influencing fields outside of engineering as well. 菲利普斯还在实验工程实验室的发展中发挥了重要作用,使学生能够更深入、更直观地掌握他们在理论课上学到的概念. Phillips is professor of engineering emeritus at Harvey Mudd College.

Students work in class

戈登奖成立于2001年,每两年颁发一次,旨在表彰培养高效工程领导者的教育新模式和新实验. Recognizing the potential to spur a revolution in engineering education, NAE announced in 2003 that the prize would be awarded annually. The prize is named after Bernard M. Gordon, 由于他的发明和对信号转换的贡献,被认为是“模拟到数字转换之父”, medical tomography and other high-precision instrumentation. Gordon has more than 200 patents worldwide.

The Gordon Prize includes a $500,000美元现金奖——一半拨给受奖人,其余拨给受奖人所在的机构,以支持其继续发展, refinement, and dissemination of the recognized innovation. Dym, 吉尔克森和菲利普斯慷慨地将他们那一半奖金的一部分捐给了学院.

The National Academy of Engineering is an independent, nonprofit institution. Its members consist of the nation’s premier engineers, who are elected by their peers for seminal contributions to engineering. 该学院在工程资源的社会应用方面为政府提供领导和指导, economic, and security problems. Established in 1964, 美国国家科学院根据1863年授予的国会宪章运作.